The Journey

Research and Ideation

We began this process by conducting some intense competitive analysis on quiz products. Some of the questions we were asking ourselves were:

  • What is a quiz?
  • What purpose do they serve?
  • What do people get out of them?
  • Why would anyone want to take a quiz?
  • What problem are we trying to solve?
  • Who will be using this feature? What are their technical backgrounds, experiences, associations with this type of feature?
  • What action items can be incorporated into the feature to allow a continuation of the experience into other parts of the app?

Working Idea

After throwing all our ideas on the board, combining and cutting them we settled on a starting point. We wanted our feature to offer:
  • More personalization of a user's profile
  • Rewards (like a new avatar)
  • Immediate recommendations to other users (actionable)
  • Entertainment

Flow Mapping

We next tackled mapping out how we envisioned this feature to work. We went through several variations of flow diagrams, accounting for the entry and exit points, how the user would interact with the feature, and eliminating points of possible confusion.

Wireframes and Testing

The next stage of our process was to rapidly create low fidelity wireframes based on our goals. We made various options for different sub-features of the Quiz feature, and through recurring squad meetings and informal testing with users, we began to piece together a final form for our design.

Some sample screens of the app version of the quiz feature.


The mobile version of the quiz was released to our base of 2500 users while the desktop version was available to the public.

Opportunities for Growth

Shipping the update was delayed much after original date due to a key developer leaving the team.


Working with stakeholder (CEO) that was attached to certain ideas, compromising, and working with constraints to push out a MVP.

Moving Forward

While I will be moving on from this company, I decided to see the project to completion and help monitor the state of its success/fail. With this project I was able to see a product go through a full cycle of UX design.